Portland Motor Club has expanded its professional vehicle storage offerings now to provide heated, secured, monitored INDOOR STORAGE for boats (on trailers), RVs of all sizes, campers and various other types of trailers. And we even have a new monitored, lit and fenced OUTDOOR STORAGE on our storage compound! We are your one-stop storage location for all things wheeled *.

Rates are fair and competitive for the Portland real estate market and super convenient for local easily accessible storage especially for those in southern Maine in and around Portland, such as South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Scarborough, Saco, Gorham, Westbrook, Falmouth, Cumberland, Yarmouth, Gray and the general greater Portland area. We offer monthly and seasonal rates as well as discounted annual contracts.

You can find out more at or feel free to contact us directly 207-233-9970 to discuss availability and rates.

We have nearly 15 years now in the professional vehicle storage business and we really enjoy serving our customers in this convenient business that provides hundreds of customers peace of mind about some of their favorite vehicles! And because of our growth, we have added more space in our new facility for hundreds of more cars as well. People want to not have to worry about their special vehicles — leave the worrying to us! PS… We don’t really worry because we love doing this!

Our huge new facility for both indoor heated boat storage and indoor heated indoor RV & camper storage… we’re even considering offering battleship storage as well!!! Conveniently located right next door to Portland Motor Club. More details at


Yes, we definitely have room for your boat, RV, camper or trailer!!! 100 of them if you have that many! More details at


Barb wire fenced, paved, lit and surveilled outdoor storage right in Portland, Maine at

* Sorry, no motorcycles — just too unwieldy for us to be moving around

2021 Toys for Tots Car Show Labor Day Sep 6 at Portland Motor Club

Things will be a bit different this year (2021) with the Toys for Tots car show because the group that has organized this show for perhaps 20 or so years (first Auburn, then Windham, then Portland Motor Club) are moving the show at least for this year to Hodgman’s Frozen Custard Stand and beautiful grounds and they are doing the show on Saturday, AUG 14.

There was some question on our (PMC’s) part whether we could do the show this year so the show organizers went ahead and moved it at least for this year. Ultimately we decided that we could and should do the show since we have been advertising it for months and because the event is a bit of an institution and because we wanted to support the Toys for Tots effort too.

So the good news is that there are now two shows to support Toys for Tots: the originators’ show in New Gloucester on AUG 14 from 9AM to 2PM with various treats available: coffee & donuts early and then lunch and Hodgman’s famous frozen custard; and then our 13th show at Portland Motor Club on Labor Day from 10AM to 1PM with a 50/50 and grilled lunch food available. Hopefully the Marines will be on hand for both events. If you have to pick between the shows, please pay homage to the many years of effort by the original organizers and bring your toys to Hodgmans. If Labor Day works better or if you want to go to both shows, certainly please come see ours on Labor Day.

Let’s celebrate that we have two Toys for Tots shows this year and an additional car show to enjoy!!!

Cars and Guitars: Classic Car Show and Classic Southern Rock Concert with Jimmie Van Zant on October 5th in Saco

Cars and Guitars: Sunday, October 5th from 10AM to 4PM at Southern Maine Chrysler Dodge Jeep at 824 Route One in Saco*


Classic Car Show (cruise-in style): show cars of all makes and models please arrive no earlier than 8:30 (to keep Route One from turning into a parking lot); Special Classic Mopar Collection featuring dozens of 1960s and 70s classic Plymouth and Dodge muscle cars and more on display in the showroom and service bays — since, by law, we can’t actually be doing business that day so we’re clearing the building and the lot to make room for this great event.


Live Music from 10 to 4 featuring the Jimmie Van Zant Band up from Tennessee playing Skynyrd and their own great music plus the WBLM house band and some local talent. See and hear his website here.

Admission is free. This is a benefit event for Biddeford-Saco area food pantries so please bring non-perishable food items or you can write a check to one of several groups at the event. There will also be a 50/50 raffle with our half going to these pantries.

There will be a variety of great food trucks on hand for lunch and snacks and drinks. No coolers please.

It’s rain or shine although we prefer shine. Bring a folding chair and maybe keep an umbrella in the car. Folding tents/canopies will only be allowed by the show cars

For non-show cars, there will be a passenger drop-off area on Spring Hill Road (off Route One next to the dealership) with parking up Spring Hill Road and shuttle vans running back and forth throughout the day.

For more information, you can visit the dealership’s website here .

* The dealership is one of our sister businesses along with Portland Volvo and Portland Detailing.

If you need a poster-sized version of this (legal size), contact us at and we'll email you a copy to print out and share. Thanks!

If you need a poster-sized version of this (legal size), contact us at and we’ll email you a copy to print out and share. Thanks!

2013 Maine Car Show & Cruise-Ins Updated

Just a heads up that our comprehensive calendars listing 2013 Maine car shows and cruise-ins have been painstakingly updated for your automotive pleasure!

It might not seem like that big a deal but there are often a lot of discrepancies and confusions from year to year that have to be researched with a phone call or an email. We try to research as many resources as we can to get the most complete list we can compile for you. It actually takes several days to get it even close to right! It’s one stop car show shopping at

We do take pride in making this as complete as we can but we do need your help. PLEASE send us an email to if you find any errors (and I’m sure there are some and if we knew what they were, we’d change ’em!) or additional info we can include, please let us know. We can only put some many details in a listing but it wouldn’t hurt to send more info if you have it.

Have a great driving season!

Your friends at Portland Motor Club

Here's our indoor "car show", by the way — our winter storage was at capacity!

Here’s our indoor “car show”, by the way — our winter storage was at capacity!

Heated Winter Car Storage – Sorry, Car Snuggie* not provided

We do want your car to be cozy while it hibernates away the cold and salty Maine winter months in our climate-controlled, heated, secure facility; but, no, we do not provide Car Snuggies. We get asked that question again and again; and we know that you want the best for your car but 60+ degrees of radiant-heated polished concrete gently warming your car’s underbelly is perfect for our vehicular winter guests. Since we do offer trickle charging, you could think of the battery as a lead-lined plastic encased Snuggie for its electrons, if you squint? Of course, you can provide your own Car Snuggie if you wish. We have nothing against Snuggies in general but we do not provide that service.

Now that we’ve cleared that up, you should know that we are still accepting cars for the winter 2012-2013 storage season. If you have not visited here before, please take the less-than-five minutes to see our video on our homepage so you can get a feel for the place. But realize that the video is targeted to the potential member.

You do NOT have to be a member here at Portland Motor Club to be able to store your car for the winter or any other time (we have military contractors and service men and women as well as world travelers storing their cars with us for sometimes years at a time!). Members have access to their cars to be able to take them in and out as they wish and to use our facility including our lounge and onsite detailing center Portland Detailing ( but if you want to put your car up for the winter, you can just pay for straight winter storage. We have plans for the number of months that you want to store the car. The monthly rate goes down with length of stay.

We expect that we will be pretty darned full this winter so you might want to contact us sooner than later. As you can see from the accompanying photo, we were very busy in a very quiet kind of way last winter! Please call  207-775-1770 or email to make a reservation or to get more information.

Professional heated winter car storage at the Portland Motor Club in Maine.


Unique 1902 Autocar Runabout visiting Portland Motor Club

This rare 1902 Autocar Runabout visits Portland Motor Club en route to a permanent museum home

It’s not its age that makes this 1902 early automobile unique, although it is one of only 56 known to exist from all of its manufacturing years. They were manufactured for fewer than 15 years before the company switched over to making trucks exclusively. What makes this primitive motor car so interesting is that it has been in the same family since it was new! The article referenced below follows its auto-geneological path from great, great grandfather to its current owners. It has spent its last couple decades in quiet obscurity in a shed in Biddeford Pool, Maine. The family decided that it was time to find a permanent and appropriate home for a car of this historical significance and rarity as part of a permanent historical automobile collection perhaps even here in Maine. Great great grandson Will Borders of Chicago came out to Maine one February weekend to assist in relocating the vehicle to Portland Motor Club where it will stay until its future plans are assured.

In the meantime, Portland Detailing did a fantastic job gently cleaning it up so it can feel comfortable in the company of its relatively futuristic descendants (anything would look futuristic compared to this motorized buggy). The clean up was so impressive that Portland Detailing got a call from the owner of a 1904 Autocar wondering how they made it look so good! It turned out that he was one of three people involved with tracking the location and existence of any known Autocars and he revealed that, according to their compiled list, there are only 56 of them out there including the ones that are part of such collections as The Smithsonian Museum and The Henry Ford Museum.

Please make sure to visit the article by Emma Bouthillette at the Portland Press Herald’s website for much more information and more detailed photos.

This 1902 Autocar has been in the same family since it was new!

Video Link for Bill Green’s Maine’s visit to Portland Motor Club

Bill Green's Maine's visit to Portland Motor Club

If you missed it on the news this week, here it is… the link to the short video tour Bill Green did here at Portland Motor Club ( and Portland Detailing ( for his Bill Green’s Maine show. The place looks great on the teevee — the television camera seems to add about 10 cars to the place! See our Winter 2011 “Collection”!

Glad we could get Bill Green out of the “Green (White) Outdoors” and into our “Green Indoors” here at Portland Motor Club — in fact, it is actually quite a “green” facility with radiant heat floors and all new insulation in the walls and roof. It comes from a combination of sensitivity to the environmental impact as well as good business sense — if you’re going to keep the cars at 60 degrees through the winter and reasonably cool in the summer, it had better be as green as you can get it!

Bill Green’s Maine’s Bill Green visits “The Great Indoors”

Bill Green

Who is this man and why were we very happy to have a visit from him at Portland Motor Club this week?!? Why it’s Bill Green, of course, of Bill Green’s Maine and he took a break from “The Great Outdoors” to seek refuge with the cars that have sought refuge here at Portland Motor Club. He wanted to see how the other half (pampered cars) lived and we were happy to show him. It was a very enjoyable visit — he’s a great guy and a lot of fun to be with. It was probably a nice break from wading in nearly frozen streams checking for salmon eggs or something like that.

Our Portland Motor Club segment will run this coming Monday, JAN 31 on WCSH Channel 6 in Portland and WLBZ Channel 2 in Bangor sometime during the local evening news. Then it will run on the same stations again during next week’s Bill Green’s Maine on Saturday, FEB 5 at 7pm.

He had a chance to visit with a couple of our members and with owner Bill Waldron as well as with Facility Manager Jason Michel and our Membership Director. Bill talked about his vision for Portland Motor Club, his Mopar collection and his excitement about owning a Chrysler / Dodge / Jeep dealership at Southern Maine Motors ( Jason talked about winter car care and our Portland Detailing operation (; while we mentioned Portland Motor Club’s plans to offer classic and sports car rentals starting this spring. Our visiting members talked about having a safe and professional facility to house their special vehicles and about their enthusiasm for owning a car that thrilled them.

We hope you’ll be watching. Please help spread the word and  let us know what you thought of the segment.

The Winter 2010/11 “Collection” at Portland Motor Club

Nice to see what the cold and messy weather attracts to our fine storage facility each winter. It may look full — and the ground floor is — but there’s plenty of room on the mezzanine! Let us take professional care of your special vehicles with daily monitoring, trickle charging, special care requests, whatever it takes!

As much as Portland Motor Club is set up for year-round membership, we also provide seasonal and short-term storage — even when you’re going on vacation or on a business trip! Why not have us detail your car while you’re away at our truly outstanding auto reconditioning facility ( for professional, heated storage. We’re only about 10 minutes from the airport so you can grab a cab or we might even be able to help get you over there and back (depending on availability and timing).

We’re here and happy to help you take care of your car — it’s what we do!

Motor Club News… Late-Summer Edition 2010

We wanted to connect with our members and friends with this seasonal e-update to let you know what’s happening at Portland Motor Club these days…

Don’t miss our LABOR DAY CAR SHOW: Portland Motor Club will happily host the Labor Day TOYS-FOR-TOTS Car Cruise-in again this year. Cruise on in anytime after 9 that morning for a 10am to 2pm event on Monday, Labor Day, September 6, 2010 — our main lot was almost full by starting time last year (our first year hosting it)! There was a truly extraordinary assortment of quality cars. See photos from last year at . Any and all types of vehicles are welcome to come by for some fun, some food, some great live music by Monday Night Posse , prizes and, of course, a lot of awesome cars. The U.S. Marine Corps will be on hand to handle the onslaught of toys for kids. Entrance “fee” is a new unwrapped present for a deserving child. Portland Motor Club will also be opened up that day for visitors to see the facility (from a safe and untouchable distance). Members are encouraged to be on hand to meet some of the other members and to help to share the excitement about Portland Motor Club.
* all Maine car clubs are encouraged to participate

WINTER STORAGE RESERVATIONS: You really don’t have to get your car off the road until the very last minute if you don’t want to, but you might want to make sure it has a good winter home waiting for it. After all, we pretty much filled up last winter! You can store your car at Portland Motor Club anytime from October 15 through Memorial Day weekend for one flat fee. Please call Membership Director  to work out the details and to save some space for your vehicle.

VIDEO TOUR: If you haven’t seen our video tour/interview online on our homepage , you really ought to take a few minutes and watch (if we say so ourselves). It gives anyone interested in professional car storage or just curious about what goes on here a really good idea of what Portland Motor Club is all about. Just click to go to the homepage…

CALENDAR of EVENTS: There’s still lots going on with the car show circuit and weekly cruise-ins — don’t miss the fun! And, of course, you’ll want to get out for some foliage hunting later in the fall (if it ever comes — what a summer, eh?). Why not make it a cruise event of your own and invite a couple other cars to make a day of it? Visit the CALENDAR & EVENTS section of our website to find out what’s going on where and when, including regular cruise-ins taking place all over the state. If you know of an event taking place that you don’t see on our calendar, please forward that information on to us so that we can update our site. We want our calendar listings to be as complete and accurate as possible.