14th Annual Labor Day SPECIAL DRIVE-THRU Toys-for-Tots Car Show. Monday, September 7, 2020
13th Annual Toys-for-Tots Labor Day Car Show Monday, September 2, 2019
13th annual Labor Day multi-club toys-for-tots cruise-in car show
Labor Day – Monday September 2 • 10am – 1:30pm
Hosted at Portland Motor Club
Maine’s car storage marina
275 Presumpscot Street in Portland
(1/2 mile from Washington Avenue)
- Entry fee is a new unwrapped toy per occupant for a deserving child or a donation to the toys-for-tots program
- Portland’s largest fall car show
- Featuring the united states marine corps
Antique • Classic • Muscle
Street Rods • Sports • Exotics
Trucks • Motorcycles
Rain or shine (we prefer shine)
Music all day
Join us for our ice cream cruise at 1:30pm

13th Annual Toys-for-Tots Labor Day Car Show Monday, September 2, 2019
12th Annual Toys-for-Tots Labor Day Car Show Monday, September 3, 2018
Monday, September 3, 2018
12th Annual Toys-for-Tots Labor Day Car Show
Hosted at Portland Motor Club – Maine’s Car Marina
275 Presumpscot Street in Portland
(1/2 mile form Washington Avenue)
10AM-2PM vehicles arrive after 8:30AM.
Rain or Shine.
- Free admission is a new unwrapped toy – per occupant for a deserving child or a donation to the Toys-for-Tots program
- 50/50 raffle to benefit Toys-for-Tots
- Specialty Awards
- Great family fun
- Any and all vehicles welcome
- Music! Food! Prizes!
FMI: info@portlandmotorclub.com

12th Annual Toys-for-Tots Labor Day Car Show Monday, September 3, 2018
11th Annual Toys-for-Tots Labor Day Car Show Monday, September 4, 2017
Monday, September 4
11th Annual Labor Day All Clubs Cruise-In Car Show for Toys for Tots
Portland Motor Club at 275 Presumpscot Street in Portland
10AM-2PMvehicles arrive after 8:30AM.
Rain or Shine.
Portland’s biggest show! Peek inside Portland Motor Club to see our great collection of stored vehicles including a world-class Mopar muscle car collection. Detailing demos. Music; food; 50/50 raffle & door prizes; assorted prizes.
FMI: info@portlandmotorclub.com

11th Annual Toys-for-Tots Labor Day Car Show Monday, September 4, 2017
What an amazing car season we can look forward to in 2010! Thanks to our friends at CruiseMaine magazine and cruisemaine.net sharing their listings and adding some of our own, we have (hopefully) the state’s most comprehensive listing of Maine Car Shows & Cruise-Ins throughout the state. Kind of like that joke about Maine weather — if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute… if you don’t see a car show or cruise-in you like, wait a minute or a day, anyway. There’s something going on every day of every week this summer for cars and their owners. So, get out there and show it off and have some fun. It’s almost too bad that there aren’t any this April because it’s been so beautiful — hopefully a good sign for the summer season.
Here’s the link to the Cruise-in schedule which is also on the website under CALENDAR & EVENTS on the sidebar: 2010 CRUISE-IN LIST
And here’s the link to the Car Show 2010 Season in Maine or go to the CALENDAR & EVENTS button on the sidebar on the Portland Motor Club website: 2010 CAR SHOW LIST
And, by the way, we will be hosting the Labor Day Toys-for-Tots Cruise-In at Portland Motor Club again this year on Monday, September 6 — hard to imagine topping last year’s event but we’re game! We expect we’ll see and hear from our friends at the Monday Night Posse again this year — there’s actually music footage from last year’s show online on their website www.MondayNightPosse.com.
If you have any additions or corrections, please be in touch right at at <info@portlandmotorclub.com> or call us at 207-775-1770. We want this list to be absolutely accurate and could really use your help if you know that something’s not right on it — and thanks!